Many high-level languages like Pascal are highly disciplined and structured. C is much more flexible and free-wheeling. This freedom gives C much more power that experienced users can employ.
C has been a popular language due to its simplicity of expression, the compactness of the code,
extensive use of function calls and the wide range of applicability. C is cryptic in nature. It allows the programmer a wide range of operations from high-level up to low-level.
Structure of a C Program
A, C program basically has the following structure.- Pre-processor commands
- Type definitions
- Function prototypes
- Variables
- Functions
Structure of a Function
Function name (parameters){
local variables ;
statements ;
The Minimum C Program
Note: Every C program must have one and only one main function. The { } groups the statements
Stages in Creating a C program
- Designing [will be discussed later]
- Coding
You must first create a file which contain the C source code. For this you may use any text
editor. The file name could be any legal name accepted by the DOS / UNIX and must have an
extension of C.
E.g. pro1.c
The source code that you enter must obey the structures, the syntax and semantics of the C language.
- Compiling
The C compiler receives the source code from the pre-processor and translates it in to
assembly code.
- Assembling
The assembler creates object code. In MSDOS the object files are seen with .obj extension.
- Linking
If a source file references library functions defined in other source files, the link editor combines these functions with main() to create an executable file (.EXE)
The Pre-Processor
The pre-processor accepts source code as input and is responsible for1. removing comments
2. Interpreting special pre-processor directives denoted by #.
Directives in a Program
A directive is a special statement that can control the features of a compiler.E.g. a) #include <stdio.h> provides a convenient way of telling the compiler that all the I/O functions have been included. ;
b) #include <math.h> provides the standard math library.
c) #define defines a symbolic name or a constant.
Comments in a Program
Any text that you enter between /* and */ is considered to be a comment and is ignored bythe compiler.
White Space Characters
The characters - space, Tab, Carriage Return (CR), Line Feed (LF) and Back Space areconsidered to be white space characters and they will be ignored by the compiler.
Statement Terminator
In C a line of text can contain several statements and a statement can straddle several lines. So the ; tells the compiler how to find the end of a statement. You can also have a ; without having a prior statement where an action is not required.No ; is required after an #include directive
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